
The Krusty Krabs Restaurant

In Spongebob Episodes, we usually looks a Restaurant that spongebob work. Krusty Crabs Restaurant is name of this restaurant. It is a Favorite restaurant at Bikini Bottom and for all place too. The Restaurant is owned by Mr. Eugene H Krabs.

The Krusty Krabs Building have a pearl that have The Krusty Krabs name's. The building structure like a half of circle that have a some flags of country. The Colour of it is brown that made from wood.

The Krusty Krabs has 3 employees, like spongebob, squidward, and the boss, Mr Crabs. All of them can cooperate for serve their customer. Spongebob like make a Krusty Krabs Burger that has a delicious taste. Squidward become a cashier and serve customer. and Mr. Krabs like a count his money.

So don't wait it more...., order it now.:)

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