
Article Writing Tips from SpongeBob SquarePants

spongebob friendsSpongebob Wisdom can be found in the most unexpected places. Today, wisdom bubbled up from a pineapple under the sea. I suddenly realized that everything you’d want to know about writing articles for your website can be taught by SpongeBob SquarePants and his friends.

When you write for your newsletter, blog, or website, which character are you most like?

Squidward: Squidward is B-O-R-I-N-G. When writing articles, are you a Squidward? Do you just get the words down on paper or are you finding a fun twist to entertain your audience and keep them coming back for more? Take time to make your articles stand out from the thousands of other dull articles out there by including personal stories or just having fun while writing. For instance, this article could be entitled "How to Write a Good Article", but would it stand out from the hundreds of other articles about article writing? Probably not.

Mr. Krabs: This crustacean is focused on one thing and one thing only, making more and more and more money. Only a cartoon could actually have dollar signs drawn in his eyes. He thinks of no one, only how he can benefit. Are your articles focused on you or on the reader? Are you providing information or do you have blinders on, thinking only about how you can make money from the article you are writing? If your article reads like an ad or is self-serving or full of affiliate links, you might write like Mr. Krabs.

Patrick: SpongeBob’s best friend, the starfish, has a good heart, but isn't the brightest creature in the sea. Do your articles make you sound like an expert? Are you providing valuable content or just pushing out sloppy articles as fast as you can? Always double check for typos and grammatical errors. If you're challenged by spelling and grammar, hire a Virtual Assistant or Copywriter to proofread and submit your article for you. Or slow down, set your article aside for a day and then reread it before you click the “submit” button.

Plankton: The smallest creature in the sea is also the sneakiest. He’ll do anything and hurt anyone to steal someone else’s work (the Krabby Pattie secret formula). Write your own material. Don’t be Plankton. Don’t copy and paste someone else’s work, edit it, and try to pass it off as your own. You will be caught, and it just isn’t worth it. Take the same amount of effort and work on your own thoughts and ideas. Plankton never gets away with his schemes, either. He’s on Plan “Z” and is still pathetically failing at his attempts to steal the secret formula.

SpongeBob: This little guy always tries to do the right thing, and is a hard worker. He may not always end up getting the results he hoped for, but he bounces back and tackles his work with a renewed vigor. SpongeBob works very hard, he's a good friend, he always thinks of others, and tries to have fun no matter what he is faced with. Hardworking, friendly SpongeBob is the guy to be when writing articles.

Although this is a silly lesson in article writing, I hope you'll remember the important messages our underwater friends have taught us.

1. Be entertaining. Not boring.

2. Write articles to help others, not with dollar signs in your eyes.

3. Proofread your articles carefully, and provide valuable information.

4. Write your own material. Don’t copy others.

5. Be a SpongeBob! Hard work and persistence pay off.

Before you know it, you'll develop a following for having informative and entertaining articles and you’ll be King or Queen of the sea.

by Nicole Dean


  1. article writing is one of the best way to gain massive amounts of traffic to sites,and it helps sites to rank higher on any search engine.

  2. It's true that nobody wants to be a Squidward. Well, at least it's true on my part, since everyone I know doesn't like doing boring stuff. Somehow, this blogpost made me realize that knowing your own flaws can help you do things better, and writing articles is no exception.

  3. Hmm... good point. I never actually thought of writing an article this way. People who want to learn how to write a good article should really learn a few things from Spongebob himself. Well, I agree that checking a lot of things in your article's content before sending it is the best idea, just to make sure that you won't regret it once you've pressed the "submit" button.

  4. Article writing suddenly had an unexpected twist, and that's all thanks to Spongebob. I wonder what kind of article writer I am. I just hope that I'm no Squidward.

  5. This topic is something that I have been looking into for a while now and your insight is exceptional. Thanks for sharing this information.

  6. Can you get this to Steven Hillenberg for help?


    PLEASE BUILD DO NOT PASS ON! i sent to many, so if you call i will try to say them all

    I am attempting to get someone to create and appropriately manage a 54.80 foot natural timber with bark Isadodecahedron in number of 1,000 per day spun widely and tied simultaneously in mariner rope with a huge wood cask and non-chemical compressed air submersible system with aeration and hydraulic pneumatic fin. The goal is 10 miles per day or more from Washington Puget sound to the Midway Atoll, Marshal Islands in a loop with a upgraded ski lift style system for towing underwater railcar or charcoal filter 2x2 across the ocean in an attempt to squeeze zero profit and create a ocean estuary of Mussel and barnacle to save the depleted ocean. However, upon reading BP Oil disaster money none go toward the construction of something that would actually clean the ocean! This in infinate loop hot wheel spinning track fashion could have prevented Sandy and Katrina as well stop the 6 mile delta depletion we're now experciencing.

    Seasonality in crop and difference in continent I question if the connection will be beneficial or hazardous? Spinning natural and renewable resource is the benefit as through ocean micro biology enters the wood the value resale increases. Coral planting? However the goal would be to place the retiring system back into a habitat that would be suitable for recolonization. Please save my now superfund host family, I'm Greedy, I lived in Bahia de Caraquez Ecuador and the shrimp and fish population went through decimation by quake, rain and flood. They could better explain, remember barnacle accumulation, crab and micro organism. Australia has a coral bloom and trees suitable for the same system the same could be done to encompass or tow by after conservator study to create new reef. Again the goal is a loop around the world, weather control too, eek! Again the valued wood and potential rail system ran above water and below could protect or destroy the eco-system, maybe have a fire order for the military sink and destroy on one persons call and question after. I feel we need more Dolphin and whale.

    Also in Japan I know Tioshi (sp) as a host student to my parents household is dealing with nuclear radiation they need ten feet of new soil, Mussel and crab maybe the best way to filter the nuclear fallout from the ocean as well build the needed sedimentary base for there new hydroponic system to grow more dirt!

    Don't forget the Gulf of Mexico where it could stabilize the deep ocean oil recovery and restock the Gulf as well save the delta from the non-natuaral erosional depletion rate through appropriate placement of the retiring tow line. My brother is a retired U.S. submariner he and the people he knows might better assist in understanding the disaster, can you help them as well by getting some people motivated toward the first idea by maybe speaking to the Witenagemot, President or Parliament?

    The ultimate goal is safely connecting to China and India to build a Bamboo or Non-conductive Metal rope tied spaceport. Personally my pitch would be to create a death zone (above 22,000) outfit, spacesuit that can withstand actual long term human action as they build a Bamboo scaffold high enough into space, 220,000 ft. I feel the best location will be a multitude of peaks in the Himalayas or Andes to create a Eiffel tower feeling base with the narrow apex at the summit and the crux being the starting base.

    Remember all natural wood, glass, clay, ... reusable tank and tow system in center for each Isadodecahedron

    Mark Thomas Brunberg
    5559 Wagon Road Gap
    Memphis, Tn. 38134
    Tel: 651-307-0163

    Open railcar would assist in cleaning the Gulf Oil disaster, new reef habitat for delta. Call me if you want the sales pitch, I care about the ocean not the money, stop the poison please.

    btw if you pass it on, fish and wildlife get the credit.
